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Information Evening for Physics Students Interested in Studying Abroad - International Week XXL

Jun 17, 2024 | 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM
Ins Ausland und zurück

Ins Ausland und zurück

Abroad and Back

We provide information to physics students about exchange programs and various opportunities to study or intern abroad.

Our Programs


Direct Exchange with partner universities

DAAD RISE worldwide

German-French double master's degree

and many others...

We provide an overview of application deadlines, formalities, and financing options.


Dr. Cornelius Gahl – Coordinator of Erasmus Programs

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kuch– Coordinator of the French-German Master's Double-Degree Program

Student Experience Reports

We have invited physics students who would like to share their experiences studying abroad. Which courses taken abroad can I get credited for? When is the best time to go abroad? Experienced students will answer such questions and more.

Document Check

You already know which program you want to participate in and have partially prepared your application documents? You are welcome to bring your documents to the information evening. We will review them together and check them on the spot.

Time & Location

Jun 17, 2024 | 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Cafeteria (Room 1.1.25)