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Yannic Behovits

PhD Candidate

Yannic is interested in THz dynamics of antiferromagnetic materials.

+49 30 838 65164


Oliver Gueckstock

Postdoctoral Researcher

Oliver is interested in THz spin and orbital transport in magnetic heterostructures and ultrafast spin-to-charge current conversion at spintronic interfaces as well as applications for spintronic THz emitters.

+49 30 838 65577

Oliver Gueckstock

Chihun In

Postdoctoral fellow, National Research Foundation of Korea

+49 30 838 64826


Huiling Mao

Alexander-von-Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow

+49 30 838 65164


Quentin Remy

Alexander-von-Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow

+49 30 838 65577


Former group members

  • Aditya Patel (Master student)
  • Junwei Tong (Alexander-von-Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow) - now at: University of Texas at Austin, USA
  • Hongsong Qiu (Guest Scientist) - now at: Nanjing University, China
  • Zdeněk Kašpar (PostDoc) - now at: Charles University Prague/Academia of Science, Czech Republic
  • Marietta Wissmann (Office)
  • Julius Heitz (PhD candidate)
  • Ilie-Elian Radu (Senior scientist) - now at: European XFEL, Germany
  • Sebastian Lahs (Bachelor student)
  • Lukáš Nádvorník (PostDoc) - now at: Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
  • Martin Borchert (Master student)
  • Pilar Jiménez-Cavero (Guest Scientist) - now at: Centro Universitario de la Defensa, Spain
  • Patrick Müller (Master student)
  • Mohsen Sajadi Hezaveh (PostDoc)
  • Lukas Braun (PhD candidate / PostDoc)
  • Sebastian Maehrlein (PhD candidate / PostDoc) - now at: TU Dresden/HZDR, Germany