Prof. Dr. Ulrike Alexiev
AG Structural Dynamics and Function of Biological Systems
Molecular Biophysics and Nanomedicine
Obituary for Prof. Dr. Ulrike Alexiev (✝︎December 29, 2023)
It was with great shock and sadness that our group received the news of the completely unexpected death of Prof. Dr. Ulrike Alexiev. We have lost our dedicated mentor, great group leader and friend.
We can't believe you are no longer with us and will miss you very much.
Your group
Arnimallee 14Room 1.2.34
14195 Berlin
The focus of the group’s activities lies on the application and development of new spectroscopic, microscopic, and theoretical methods to study protein structure and real-time dynamics, as well as biomolecular interactions on the molecular, cellular and tissue level. Understanding biomolecular interactions also plays a key role in the development of new nanomedical approaches.