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gender and diversity in STEM: open lecture series offers insights into current research

The Open Lecture Series "Diversity Creates Science - Science Creates Diversity" highlights the connection between gender and diversity research in STEM subjects and societal challenges.

News from Oct 10, 2023

This winter semester, the Open Lecture Hall promises exciting insights into the world of gender and diversity research in the STEM subjects (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, and technology). The public RIngvorlesung "Vielfalt schafft Wissenschaft - Science Creates Diversity" was created by female scientists and gender equality actors from the departments of physics, biology/chemistry/pharmacy, and mathematics and computer science at Freie Universität Berlin and highlights diversity-oriented mathematical and scientific perspectives on current societal challenges.

STEM: no 'cultures of no culture'.

To many, STEM subjects appear objective and independent of societal power relations and historical frameworks. Yet gender and diversity research in STEM points out that all scientific knowledge, including mathematics and science, is closely linked to society. Thus, STEM subjects are by no means "cultures of no culture," that is, sciences free of historical-sociocultural aspects. This realization raises important questions, not only for science itself, but also for the societal application of research results, such as the development of technologies like artificial intelligence.

Interdisciplinary format, in the lecture hall and on livestream

The interdisciplinary lecture series consists of thirteen lectures and a concluding panel discussion, held weekly on Thursdays at 4 pm. In addition to being held in the lecture hall, the events will be livestreamed to reach a broad audience.

An internationally renowned kickoff will be given by Londa Schiebinger on Oct. 20 (Friday). Schiebinger, a respected historian of science, already received the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's Humboldt Research Award in the late 1990s for her work on gender in science and technology.

For more information and the exact schedule of events, visit the FU Women's Representative blog GESCHLECHTER*GERECHT here.

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