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  • "Computational difficulty of global variations in the density matrix renormalization group",
    J. Eisert,
    Physical Review Letters 97, 260501 (2006),

    (Lanl e-print quant-ph/0609051).

  • "General entanglement scaling from time evolution",
    J. Eisert and T. J. Osborne,
    Physical Review Letters 97, 150404 (2006),

    (Lanl e-print quant-ph/0603114).

  • "Potential and limits to cluster state quantum computing using probabilistic gates",
    D. Gross, K. Kieling, and J. Eisert,
    Physical Review A 74, 042343 (2006),

    (Lanl e-print quant-ph/0605014).

  • "Optimal entanglement witnesses for continuous-variable systems",
    P. Hyllus and J. Eisert,
    New Journal of Physics 8, 51 (2006),

    (Lanl e-print quant-ph/0510077).

  • "Correlations, spectral gap, and entanglement in harmonic quantum systems on generic
    M. Cramer and J. Eisert,
    New Journal of Physics 8, 71 (2006),

    (Lanl e-print quant-ph/0509167).
  • "Half the entanglement in critical systems is distillable from a single specimen",
    R. Orus, J.I. Latorre, J. Eisert, and M. Cramer,
    Physical Review A 73, 060303(R) (2006),

    (Lanl e-print quant-ph/0509023).

  • "Feed-forward and its role in conditional linear optical quantum dynamics",
    S. Scheel, W. J. Munro, J. Eisert, K. Nemoto, and P. Kok,
    Physical Review A 73, 034301 (2006),

    (Lanl e-print quant-ph/0509075).

  • "An entanglement-area law for general bosonic harmonic lattice systems",
    M. Cramer, J. Eisert, M. B. Plenio, and J. Dreissig,
    Physical Review A 73 012309 (2006),

    (Lanl e-print quant-ph/0505092).

  • "Graph states",
    M. Hein, W. Duer, J. Eisert, R. Raussendorf, M. Van den Nest, and H.-J. Briegel,

    (Lanl e-print quant-ph/0602096).

  • "Hudson's Theorem for finite-dimensional quantum systems",
    D. Gross,
    Journal of Mathematical Physics 47, 122107 (2006),

    (Lanl e-print quant-ph/0602001).