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Participants - Topics - Dates - Further Information


  • The seminar is in English and it is 30 minutes long. A projector will be available.
  • Students have to attend ALL the seminars.
  • Students have to show the presentation and discuss the topic with the supervisor at least 4-5 days before their seminar.
  • Diploma students get 2 SWS credits; Bachelor students get 3 SWS credits.
  • For further information, please get in touch with Frau Simon.
    Session 1: 14.05.
    Nils Schuth nanotech
    Fabian Brandt nanotech
    Session 2: 28.05.
    Gregor Steinbrügge MEMS application
    Attila Hildmann MEMS fabrication
    Session 3: 4.06.
    Nicholas Engel CNTs
    Benjamin Hatting CNTs
    Thea Lindner CNTs growth
    Session 4: 11.06.
    Paul Beyer NWs
    Marcel Zeiler NWs
    Daniela Schiestl CNTs separation
    Session 5: 18.06.
    Julia Bränzel metallic nanoparticles
    Alexander Riemer metallic nanoparticles
    Florian Löffler QD
    Session 6: 25.06.
    Laura Foglia diamond-like carbon
    Session 7: 2.07.
    Anton Zykov AFM / STM
    Lewin Stein fluorescence and CNTs
    Session 8: 9.07.
    Kenji Yamamoto Raman/enhanced Raman spectroscopy
    Karsten Rutschow Raman/enhanced Raman spectroscopy
    Session 9: 16.07.
    Julia Heinl graphene