Open Lecture Halls "Diversity Generates Science": Prof. Dr. Maria Rentetzi „To Weak Discouraged Men: Gender and Radium in the Early 20th Century US”
Prof. Dr. Maria Rentetzi, Philosophische Fakultät, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Time & Location
Nov 30, 2023 | 04:00 PM c.t.
Freie Universität Berllin
Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy
Lecture Hall B
Arnimallee 22
14195 Berlin
Further Information
About the Lecture Series
"Diversity generates Science - Science generates Diversity. Social challenges in the view of gender and diversity research in STEM"
The lecture series presents critical-reflexive analyses of gender and diversity research in STEM, shows perspectives for a science of diversity, and illustrates with numerous examples that the STEM subjects are not 'cultures of no culture', i.e. sciences free of historical-sociocultural aspects.
- diversity
- gender
- Maria Rentetzi
- Martina Erlemann
- Offener Hörsaal
- open lecture
- physics
- social science