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Franziska Lesche receives the “Physik-Studienpreis” of the „Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin E.V.“ for her excellent Master studies and thesis

Franziska Lesche studied Physics in the Master programme of our department and performed her Master thesis with the title “Imaging and spectroscopy of microbial rhodopsins in lipic and cellular environments” in our group under the supervision of Dr. Jacek Kozuch. For her excellent performance, she was now awarded the “Physik-Studienpreis” of the „Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin E.V.“. We congratulate Franziska for this well-deserved award.

 Pictures of the award ceremony can be found using the following link https://pgzb.de/preise/physik-studienpreis.

News vom 13.08.2023

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